Intentional pause and flow

Last week, I shared the core of the work I’m doing right now.

What I didn’t share is that I love learning, thinking, and talking about a lot of other things as well—things that support us as people who own businesses.

For a long time, I struggled to figure out where those things fit into the work I do. I still don’t have it all sorted out.

What I do know is that every time I share these kinds of things, great conversations are sparked. So I’m going to keep sharing them and trust that they’ll have meaning for both of us. I’m always open to your feedback about what I share!

In that spirit, here are two things I’ve created recently.

I recently spoke with Amanda Dennelly about embracing the intentional pause on the One Simple Shift podcast.

Here’s what I’m noticing. It’s easy these days, in our world of ever-present connection, to live in constant motion. To embrace the intentional pause is to be mindful about:

  • Setting aside intentional time for quiet

  • Regularly checking in and making meaningful decisions rather than living by default

  • Inviting space into the ordinary moments of our days.

Amanda and I talked about ways to do each of those things.

You can listen in on all the podcast places, or directly right here!

I also created a free guide you can use to embrace the intentional pause, which you can find right here (but I highly recommend listening to the episode as well, to get the most out of it).

And then I wrote an essay for LumenKind about the idea of flow.

LumenKind is a really cool company that creates Mindful Marks, wearable reminders of your intentions. They’ve begun sharing all kinds of resources that more deeply explore the ideas behind each of their marks, and asked me to share my thoughts on flow this month.

I talk about thinking of flow like the current in a river, and then share a practical way you can create a map for navigating the river of your own life.

You can read my LumenKind essay right here.

They’ve also created an incredible resource page for bringing flow into your life, including a special breathwork from Amy Kuretsky. (If you’ve never tried breathwork, I can’t recommend it enough, especially with Amy.)

If you check out one or both of these, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

And if there are other topics you’d like to hear from me about, please share. I absolutely love thinking about and discussing all sorts of things, so I’d love to talk about what’s on your mind. Hit reply any time. I’m here!

With lots of love,

As always,


Erica Midkiff