I help creatives get their inherent wisdom and knowledge out of their heads and into the world.



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We can work together to help you…


Find the inherent patterns and connections among your ideas.

I promise they exist, even when you feel totally scattered. But it can be hard to see that without an outside perspective. That’s what I’m here for.


In Core Message Coaching, we’ll talk through all the ideas in your head.

Then I’ll pull them all together into a document that feels both cohesive and expansive, so you can move forward from a place of excitement and confidence.

You’re already on a meaningful path. Let’s make it more clear to you.

Say what you’ve been trying to say, for projects big and small.

The ideas are there. You know it (and I do, too). But sometimes it’s hard to get them down on the page in a way that feels like you. I can help.


In Content Collaboration, we bring to life projects like online classes, free guides, workshops, newsletters, books, and more.

We’ll talk about how my skills (gathering, planning, writing, editing) can complement the parts you’re excited to do.

Let’s get those big ideas out of your head and into the world.



Hey! I'm Erica. I’m committed to helping creatives cultivate a more intimate relationship with themselves and their work.

I’m not afraid to go deep. (In fact, going deep is pretty much a way of life for me.) So I do a lot of thinking, reading, learning, experimenting, talking, and writing about…well, a lot of things.

  • Cultivating a more intimate relationship with ourselves and our work

  • Experimenting to see what works best for us in our daily life and work

  • Showing up as exactly who we are for what’s most important to us and to the world

  • Uncovering the patterns and connections inherent in each of our work

  • Paying attention, self-trust, spaciousness, creating visions but holding them loosely, and so much more

  • The space and resources and opportunities needed to do all these things, and how to work toward a world in which everyone has access to all of these things


Are these kinds of conversations right up your alley? If so, we have a lot to talk about. I’m happy to send emails straight to your inbox so you don’t miss a thing.